Since Windows XP support officially ends on April 8, 2014 it's high time to get your statistics up to date. In my latest post Migrating windows best practices the focus was primarily to set things up and ready for migration. Now as the time is running out, hopefully you've managed to get most of your XP's up to Windows 7.
Even thought most computers are done there might be a few hiding out there for more or less good reasons. Involved in the migration you'd probably be interested in finding them to eventually close your migration.
In the project I've been working with we've built features like that into the migration web application but in other cases there might be more manual procedures and the other day I came across two powershells that would help you find which computer and users to focus on.
Ashley McGlone posted a great powershell for finding active computers in Active Directory, still running XP:
Use powershell to find windows xp computers still alive in your active directory domain
Combine that one with another powershell from Clint McGuire and you probably will have a great base to finish up your migrations!
Powershell script to get all computers last logon time
Worth mentioning is also that Igap has a neath self service mangement portal in which powershells (or Runbooks) are easily imported into workflows that you can connect to services you create yourself and publish to your users in no time.